Spirit - Digest



Incredible hidden Old Testament prophecy not understood and remaining indecipherable until 1946

Part One: The Hidden Hand of God

by Judy Gassett

And also a cosmic struggle with cosmic issues :

The absolute necessity of obedience

Insight of how multi-generational and irrational hatreds descend with the male line to burst in seething rage generations later

The loving kindness and care of a faithful God, even hidden from sight

Pride was the undoing of many principals in the story; the everlasting undoing of great ones starting with Satan

A Bible story completely consistent with God's plan and other accounts of his devotion and faithfulness

A story of salvation not seen by Martin Luther but with drama and seemingly insurmountable odds. Both are fingerprints of God acting quietly in the background

A magnificent hidden story underneath the text completely consistent with it written thousands of year ago for us to discover when we had the tools to do it (computers)

Bible Codes: A remarkable tool which applied computers to the Bible text with the same rigor that computers were applied to the fibers of the Holy Shroud

ESTHER is the only book in the Bible in which God’s name is not mentioned even once. This is not a coincidence.


The Book of Esther tells the story of an evil bureaucrat, whose family lineage went back to Amalek, a son of Esau, twin brother of Jacob, and  eventually culminated in Haman, a  malevolent descendant bearing all the animosities of his family's founder, Esau. Haman plotted the destruction of all Jews and built a gallows, upon which he planned to hang Mordechai, a Jew of some standing in ancient Persia, after he got the King to issue the necessary death warrant. The story of Esther is full of romance, palace intrigue, drop head irony, and teaches the serious, even critical reasons for the necessity of obedience and  prayer.


The setting for the story

The setting  takes place after the Jews have been freed from the Babylon captivity and have returned to Israel.  But not all Jews returned. Two of them that remained are Mordechai  and his niece, Esther.  Modechai has obtained some stature in the political system of the day and works providing for the king's daily security. The king,  Ahasuerus or Xerxes,  is thought to be a grandson of Cyrus, the great king who sent the Jews back to Israel and gave them money to re-build the Temple. Esther is orphaned as a child and brought up by her uncle, Mordecai. Esther was selected by King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) to replace the first queen when Vashti was disgraced.

That which is hidden 

The name "Esther" means "that which is hidden".  God's name is not used anywhere in this book and there is no use of messianic references or prophetic metaphors. For this reason,  Martin Luther thought that the book should be excluded from the Bible.  The Feast of Purim is the tenth feast of the Jewish calendar. There are 22 feasts, each representing one of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The first is Tishri 1 represented by Aleph, the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, which is thought to be the beginning of the world. Purim is represented by Yod, the tenth letter, which represents the invisible hand of God.  But Luther, not up on his Hebrew, misses the magnificent story of deliverance by Omnipotent One and  failed to see the hand of God  present and working behind the scenes to accomplish His purpose.


Obey God at all times, not for His sake as much as for our own!

This story may never have come about if it were not for Saul's failure to obey God. God ordered  the total annihilation of the Amalekites, sparing not even children, starting with Agag, king of Edom.  But Saul, in his pride, spares the Amalekite king and others of the royal household. Because Saul disobeyed, he lost his throne. This disobedience imperiled the very existence of the Jews centuries later.  Ironically,  Saul is killed by an Amalekite who brags to David about it. David slays him on the spot for "killing God's anointed". 

Rabbi Elijah Solomon, a prominent Lithuanian rabbi of the 18th century known as "the Gaon of Vilna," held the tradition that the German nation was descended from Amalek.


Haman, the first Nazi

Enter trusted, royal aide to the king,  Haman,  a direct descendant of Agag, whom Saul failed to kill, and the prime minister of ancient Persia.  This is a cosmic struggle. So it is also important to realize that both Mordecai and Esther were descendants of Shimei, who rebuked David for taking Saul's throne but was a recipient of David's grace because the king refused to take vengeance upon him.  Shimei was of the house of Kish, the father of King Saul.  Thus, the two protagonist, Haman and Esther/ Mordechai are direct blood relatives of King Agag  and King Saul the original contenders of the cosmic struggle.  Interesting to also note that they are also royal descendants of their respective lineages.

"To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.  For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and, arrogance is like the evil of idolatry." - (I Samuel 15:22-23)

This story is a example of how hatreds, curses, and sins (of disobedience) can descend with human lineages for evil consequences and propensities to emerge much worse generations later

Haman hated the Jews in general, (a trans-generational, supernatural hatred) but he hated Mordecai, a Jew, particularly because Mordecai refused to do homage and revere him. Haman convinced the King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) that the Jews were enemies of the state and should be exterminated. Little investigation was done so an a royal edict of extermination was issued.   In this ancient society once the decree was issued it was a done deal. The king could not take it back.  Recall how the king was tricked into issuing a decree of death in the case of Daniel and the King's intense remorse after he was tricked into requiring Daniel be thrown into the lion's den.

Later, Mordecai found out about Haman's ethnic cleansing and  prevailed upon Queen Esther to intercede. He made it clear that if Haman was left to his devices, he would wipe out the entire Jewish population in the Persian Empire, (which still included Israel).  Esther, on Mordecai's advice, endangered her own life by appearing before the king-without being invited in order to intercede for her people. (Another extreme rule in the Persian court was that it was unacceptable come before the king without being summoned, even the Queen, who stayed in a special palace just for her and her  women attendants unless requested to be in the King's presence) . Knowing the dangers and how the previous queen was disposed, Esther asked her uncle to pray and fast for a week.

However, the king was most well disposed toward his beautiful queen and asked what she wanted. She invited him and Haman to a private banquet, during which she does not reveal her desire but invites them to yet another banquet. This is entirely keeping with Haman's own self-image by making him think that he was in the queen's good graces. But..


The invisible Hand of God working

Twenty four hours elapsed between the first and second banquet.  The invisible hand of God was working first by having Esther not reveal the genocide plans quite yet.  That very night the king was restless, could not sleep, and ordered a history of his reign be read.  It was not coincidence that that page read happened to be the account of faithful servant Mordechai uncovering the plot on the king's life. The king saw that his life had been saved and no reward was ever given to Mordechai. The next morn the king asked his prime minister, Haman, "What should be done for a man the kings wishes to honor?" 

Haman's pride blinds him to think that he is to be honored and so he suggest that  the man should sit astride the king's horse, receive the king's ring, be clad in royal garments and other symbols of high office while being led through the streets by a prince of the realm crying out his accomplishments.

Haman is stunned, shocked, and flabbergasted that he is not the man and that he will have to personally attend to the honor and recognition of Mordechai. He goes home despondent and complains to his household over what he has to do. Most reluctantly he arises the next day to obey the orders of the king to honor the Jew, Mordechai. He then retires to prepare for Esther's banquet consoling himself that the banquet is one honor Mordechai will not receive!

The night during a next banquet, Queen Esther reveals her Jewish origin to the king, begs for her life and the life of her people, and names her enemy as Haman.

The king is astonished and angry beyond words. He must leave the banquet to compose himself. He has been tricked into killing his own queen! King Ahasuerus retires to the palace garden. Haman, terrified, and knees knocking, remains to plead for his life from the queen!  While imploring, Haman falls on Esther's couch and is found there when the king regains his composure and returns.  The infuriated king interprets Haman upon the queen's royal couch as a further outrage, breech of strict protocol, and an attack on his queen. 

The king yields to Queen's Esther's request and gives the Jews permission to defend themselves.  (As explained above, the king could not just rescind the order of annihilation, so instead, gives the Jews permission to defend themselves).

The king now turns to dealing with Haman and upon inquiry is informed that Haman's gallows are located in his back yard! Haman is immediately condemned to be hung on the very gallows which he had previously prepared for Mordecai. A black hood is put over Haman's head and he is hung. Hanging, however done among the ancients, including the Jews,  was considered a classic form of ignominy.  (Note: Some experts feel that this was actually  "impaling", a form of crucifixion originally invented by the Persians and what Haman had in mind for Mordechai and all other Jews). 

But God is in control and this was not the Jew to be crucified, nor the time.  Haman cursed the chosen people and that curse, ("Cursed are those that curse thee", "cursed is he who hangs on a tree!), is returned 10 times worse with the hanging (crucifixion?) of the Haman's ten sons  (note the sons were already dead)-- Likely an act of godly mercy but also a magnificent prophecy encoded in the Book of Esther at least 2,500 years before it happened! (See below)

Also note that the biblical accounts  make a point that the Jews did not take plunder in defending themselves which they were entitled to do and which would have been done to them if Haman's plans had worked. This is in contrast to the plunder Saul took in direct disobedience to God's commands. God's invisible hand working behind the scenes were repairing the damage cause by Saul's disobedience that we do not completely understand.

The Feast of Purim is March 9-11 this year,  was instituted by Mordecai to celebrate the deliverance of the Jews from Haman's plot to kill them. Our Jewish friends continue to celebrate this feast to this day, which is based on the events in the Book of Esther. Purim (from Akkadian, puru, "lots") is so called after the lots cast by Haman in order to determine the best  month in which to slaughter the Jews.  Casting lots to decide upon a genocide showed the Persians are very superstitious right down to this very day.

The bottom line here is that atheists criticize God for being bloody and ordering the destruction of the entire societies like the Amalekites  But God sees the end from the beginning and knows what He is doing.  We can never presume to be wise enough or to judge Him. 

As mentioned, what is remarkable is that the gallows built to hang Mordechai was used to hang Haman and his 10 sons after they were already dead.  In the Hebrew Bible the surface text has unusual structuring of the names of the sons hung in the text one above the other and a date of 1946 which is the date when the Nuremberg Nazis were hung (instead of shot by firing squad)!- So the Nuremberg Nazis fulfilled this incredible prophecy given by Esther. 

The name "Esther"  means "something hidden".  And we discover that there are numerous surprises hidden behind, and underneath the biblical text itself.  The surface text is coded with a remarkable acrostic and there are other astonishing codes using equidistant letter sequencing (Bible Codes)

The Bible Codes

Did you know that in the Torah every 666th letter spells out the phrase "Satan, the accuser"? This happens exactly 7 times. But more importantly,  the Bible Codes scream, "Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is the Son of God, He is your Savior, Your Messiah, Lord of Lord and King of Kings".  Also, don't forget "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." ( Proverbs 25:2).

We believe that the Bible Codes were hidden in the Bible with a time lock that could not be opened until advanced computer technology and software was available.  Could God do this--Yes, He could.  He assures us in Psalms that there are things hidden the Bible awaiting discovery.  The Bible Codes do not contain any hidden theological or doctrinal messages. They have nothing to do with numerology.  Until the event occurs, the codes cannot be used to foretell future events because you do not yet know how the words relate to each other. Most codes have been found by using keys words after the event occurred. This is what happens in the story of Esther. But this is exactly how sensationalists like atheist Michael Drosin, author of The Bible Codes,  try to pervert them. In fact, his book has done a lot of damage to Bible Codes theory, is not well researched, or received by experts in the area. But perhaps nothing was as destructive to the interest in the codes as the outrageous, blasphemous movie , "The da Vinci Codes". 

To those who insist that the Bible cannot have any thing hidden because it was meant to be understood by all, we say that the central theme and message of the Bible remains consistent for 4,000 years and over 40 authors.  This certainly does not mean that there are no puzzles, play on words, acrostics, or stunning literary forms that continue to be discovered and amaze us after discovery.

Equidistant letter sequencing of the Torah was known by the rabbis for centuries. But as diligent as they were only simple codes could be discerned without computers.  We all know that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. The message it conveys is a consistent, supernatural thread linking everything in one fathomable theme of sin and its consequences that the reader cannot miss. The Bible Codes only amplify that. The Bible is supernatural in many ways. Could not the Bible also be supernatural in its structure (letter) building blocks as well?  After all, Hebrew is a supernatural language that spoke the entire universe into being. 

Bible codes  have only be validated for Hebrew alone and for no other language and no other part of the Bible but the Old Testament. Only in the bible could such magnificence, symmetry and purpose converge to convey a message of such magnitude in glorifying God!  Yet the surface text remains undisturbed and uninterrupted for simple people to read and understand!

Single accidental ELS  (equidistant letter sequences) can be found in most long books such as Moby Dick or War and Peace.  But there is no pattern or future event centered around the text and there is no evidence of design.   In the Bible there are whole clusters of significant words keyed to the surface text  AND hidden underneathBible codes only apply to Hebrew biblical text, not the Greek text nor English translations.   In fact, the phrase, "equidistant letter sequencing" (In Hebrew)  is encoded in each book of the Torah!

Jesus, the Messiah, the names of all the apostle, Mary,  have been found clustered very tightly. The names of 23 fruits have been found in the Genesis text describing the Garden of Eden.  King David's ancestors have been named in the Bible codes before they were ever born and much, much more.

So many codes have been found using computers that even computers proclaim the glory of God!! They are Eternal Father's authentication system - authenticating His supernaturally inspired Word in Scripture directed specifically at this generation at a time when our faith is shaken daily.  Bible codes are found in the those verses and chapters where the surface text describes the event.  The discovered codes are thematic for the biblical event.  The codes in Esther, "Nazi" "Haman", "Aryan", "Amalekite", the names of the 10 Haman's 10 sons, (also in the surface text), using equidistance letter sequencing are found in the book of Esther, not Psalms or Isaiah, and cannot be discovered without computer software. 

The Bible Codes are like DNA of the 1960's, a vast complex data base unraveled 50 years ago with X-rays and chemical tools from which we learned about how God assembled created life on earth and kept life forms distinct and uncorrupted.

The next data set (and most recent) to marvel and unravel was the Shroud of Turin, the most important relic in Christendom. Basically the Shroud is a data base and its letters are points of light and dark (pixels) written on linen fibers woven 2,000 years ago. This time the tools are computers on which is played advanced graphics software enabling such a detailed view  that researchers were able  reassemble the man in the Shroud as a three dimensional object. We now have a very accurate three dimensional and true sculpture from head to toe of what Jesus really looked like. 

The Bible Codes are another database  with the same complexity as the Shroud. Here, individual Hebrew letters of the Bible Codes  instead of pixels are the dataset  submitted to the rigorous computer analysis. Both the Shroud and Bible Codes remain supernatural and awesome after analysis  afforded by use of  modern tools, something unlikely if they were not supernatural. The Codes prove that the Bible is a seamless integrated message system conveying a plan for redemption no matter what methodology is used to dissect it.

These last paragraphs on the Bible Codes were necessary to introduce you to the recent work of Christian scholars.  I will include links to Bible code references for those of you intrigued enough to explore further, and I hope many of you are. Please read this wonderful prophetic story by Bryan Huie and below for your convenience

Part Two: The Prophecy

by Bryan Huie

Esther's prophecy of the "10 sons of Haman"

Esther, the wife of King Ahasuerus, was a Jew and the cousin of Mordecai, who had raised her. She told King Ahasuerus that Mordecai, who had earlier protected the king by reporting a plot against him, was her relative. She also told the king that Haman's wicked plan was against her people, and beseeched the king to allow the Jews to defend themselves. King Ahasuerus had Haman hanged on a gallows he had intended for Mordecai, and he permitted the Jews in every city to gather together and protect themselves against those who tried to assault them.

Now let's pick up the story in the 9th chapter of Esther:

ESTHER 9:1 Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day, the time came for the king's command and his decree to be executed. On the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them. 2 The Jews gathered together in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus to lay hands on those who sought their harm. And no one could withstand them, because fear of them fell upon all people. 3 And all the officials of the provinces, the satraps, the governors, and all those doing the king's work, helped the Jews, because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them. 4 For Mordecai was great in the king's palace, and his fame spread throughout all the provinces; for this man Mordecai became increasingly prominent. 5 Thus the Jews defeated all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, with slaughter and destruction, and did what they pleased with those who hated them. 6 And in Shushan the citadel the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men. 7 Also Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, 8 Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, 9 Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vajezatha 10 the ten sons of Haman the son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews they killed; but they did not lay a hand on the plunder. (NKJV)


We see that in addition to the 500 men who attacked them in Shushan, the Jews killed the 10 sons of Haman. However, Esther had another request of the king after these 10 sons of Haman had already died:

ESTHER 9:11 On that day the number of those who were killed in Shushan the citadel was brought to the king. 12 And the king said to Queen Esther, "The Jews have killed and destroyed five hundred men in Shushan the citadel, and the ten sons of Haman. What have they done in the rest of the king's provinces? Now what is your petition? It shall be granted to you. Or what is your further request? It shall be done." 13 Then Esther said, "If it pleases the king, let it be granted to the Jews who are in Shushan to do again tomorrow according to today's decree, and let Haman's ten sons be hanged on the gallows." 14 So the king commanded this to be done; the decree was issued in Shushan, and they hanged Haman's ten sons. (NKJV)

In memory of this great Jewish victory over their enemies, the Jews have celebrated the feast of Purim annually for over 2,400 years. Esther's request to have the 10 sons of Haman hanged seems rather unusual, seeing that Haman's sons had already been killed. Dr. Moshe Katz addresses this request in his book, Computorah:

The ten sons of Haman had already been killed, why bother to hang them?

In the writings of the Sages and the commentators, we find several ideas that could clarify this: On the word "tomorrow", in Esther's request, the Sages comment:
"There is a tomorrow that is now, and a tomorrow which is later."
 In other words, Esther was asking that the hanging of Haman's ten sons not remain an isolated episode in history, but should recur in the future, as well. Only G-d could make and keep such a promise.

An examination of the sources solves this problem, too. According to the Sages, every time King Ahaserus is mentioned by name in the Book of Esther, the reference is to him; when the word [hey-mem-lamed-kaph] - the King, appears on its own, it refers to God.

Esther was therefore not addressing her request to Ahaserus, but to God - who granted her request:

And the King commanded it be done." (Esther 9:14). (Computorah, pp. 9-100)

If this request was for the future as well as for that time, has this prophecy of Esther been fulfilled? Does history record 10 additional "sons of Haman" who were hanged after trying to exterminate the Jewish people?


Yes, both history and the Bible codes verify the fulfillment of this incredible prophecy!

 Haman and his sons were Amalekites. Rabbi Elijah Solomon, a prominent Lithuanian rabbi of the 18th century known as "the great one of Vilna," held the tradition that the German nation was descended from Amalek.

During World War II, the Nazis in Germany tried to wipe the Jewish race from the face of the earth. Six million Jews were killed by the Germans. After the end of the war, the surviving Nazi leaders were tried at Nuremberg for this and other war crimes. These trials began on November 20, 1945, for 22 German Nazi leaders.

On October 1, 1946, 12 of the German defendants were sentenced to death by hanging for their part in the atrocities committed against the Jews and others. One of those convicted was Martin Bormann, who was sentenced in absentia. A second was Hermann Goering, who committed suicide in his cell just hours before the executions by taking cyanide poison. The remaining 10 Germans were hanged to death on October 16, 1946.

Dr. Moshe Katz reveals some incredible information about this event:

. . . Since the trial was conducted by a military tribunal, the sentence handed down should have been death by firing squad, or by electric chair as practiced in the U.S.A. However, the court specifically prescribed hanging, exactly as in Esther's original request:

". . . let Haman's ten sons be hanged."

Though doubts may linger about the connection between the Book of Esther and the Nazi war criminals, the condemned Julius Streicher certainly had none. Through some insight, Streicher appears to have grasped this link to Purim, as revealed by his final shout, with the noose about his neck, mere seconds before he was hanged.

 . . .  With burning hatred in his eyes, Streicher looked down at the witnesses and shouted: "Purim Fest 1946!" (Computorah, pp. 104-106)

These hangings took place on October 16, 1946. On the Jewish calendar, October 16, 1946, corresponded to 21 Tishri, 5707. This date was the last day of the Jewish feast of Sukkot, the day called Hoshana Rabba. The Jews believe that this day represents the coming time when God's verdicts of judgment will be sealed.

In the very passage of Scripture where Esther's prophetic request is recorded, we can find the future execution date of these descendants of Haman, both in the surface text and encoded within it. First, let's look at how the date can be found in the surface text.

Jewish sages have long believed and taught that every variation of the surface text, whether it be the size of the letters themselves or a variant spelling of a word, has specific meaning. In some cases, that meaning remains a mystery. But in the case of Esther's prophecy regarding the hanging of Haman's 10 sons, history has finally unveiled what was plainly there to see for 2,300 years.

In Esther 9:7-9, we find a list of the 10 sons of Haman who were killed by the Jews. Below is the Hebrew text of these verses as it appears in the Tanakh. Remember, Hebrew reads from right to left.

Haman's 10 sons hanged in 5707

 As you can see, the names appear one above the other in the text. About this strange formatting, the Soncino Commentary states:

. . .  7-9. The Massorah prescribes that the names of the ten sons of Haman be written in a perpendicular column on the right-hand side of the page, with the vav, i.e., and, on the left-hand side. This is probably derived from the tradition that the ten sons were hanged on a tall gallows, one above the other. . . . (The Five Megilloth, p. 179)

However, there may be another reason why these names are listed one above the other. As you can see by looking at the list of names, four letters (the tav in the first name, the shin and tav in the seventh name, and the zayin in the tenth name) appear smaller than the other letters.

Starting at the top of the passage, I've highlighted three of these four small letters in red. In the Hebrew language, letters can also represent numbers. Tav has a numerical value of 400, shin a numerical value of 300, and zayin a numerical value of 7. The tav, shin, and zayin, totaled from top to bottom, represent the number 707.

Using the Jewish method of recording years, the number 707 can represent the year 5707 on the Jewish calendar. Webster's New World Hebrew Dictionary states: " In practice . . . the thousands are skipped and the Jewish year is referred to by quoting, in Jewish numerical symbols, the figure from the hundreds down " (p. xxiv, Introduction, The Jewish Calendar).

As shown above, 5707 on the Jewish calendar was the year that the 10 Nazi war criminals were hanged for their crime of attempting to eradicate the Jewish people. For centuries Jews who read the book of Esther had the future date for the fulfillment of her prophecy there in plain sight, but it could not be deciphered until the event actually occurred!

The meaning of the fourth small letter, the tav in the seventh name, is still unknown. Perhaps it could signify "the end" of the sons of Haman, since tav is the final letter in the Hebrew alphabet.

Using the Bible codes ELS methodology to discover hidden codes in the 9th chapter of Esther, we can find another astonishing discovery. The day and month of the execution of the German "sons of Haman" is encoded and hidden within the text, as shown below!

Haman's 10 Sons

(white letters on red background)
The Jewish date "21 Tishri" (kaph-aleph-tav-shin-resh-yod) is encoded at an ELS of 216, beginning in Esther 9:12 and ending in Esther 9:27. This is the date upon which the 10 Nazi war criminals were hanged. Statistically, the odds of this date occurring in this passage by random chance are less than one in 1 million!

(blue letters on light blue)
Running diagonally through "21 Tishri" is the Jewish year "5707" (tav-shin-zayin), which corresponds to 1946. This year is found at an ELS of 442, beginning in Esther 9:15 and ending in Esther 9:27. It shares the shin with "Tishri."

(white letters on black)
Beginning underneath "hanged," the Hebrew transliteration of Nazi (nun-aleph-tsadi-yod) occurs. This word is found at an ELS of -650, beginning in Esther 9:19 and ending in Esther 8:9.

(yellow letters on dark green)
On the top left part of the matrix, running vertically, the Hebrew word "hanged" (tav-lamed-vav-yod) appears at an ELS of 432. It begins in Esther 8:6 and ends in Esther 9:3.

(yellow letters on black)
Crossing the bottom of "21 Tishri" is the Hebrew word for "Amalekite" (ayin-mem-lamed-koph-yod). This word is found at an ELS of -7, beginning in Esther 9:27 and ending in Esther 9:26. According to Jewish tradition, the nation of Germany is thought to have descended from the biblical Amalekites (Exo. 17:8).

purple letters on yellow)
Right above the top of "21 Tishri" is the Hebrew word "Aryan" (aleph-resh-yod). It appears at an ELS of 1 in Esther 9:8. Hitler's objective in eradicating the Jews was to have a pure Aryan race.

(white letters on blue)
At the top of the matrix, at an ELS of 1, the name "Haman" (hey-mem-nun) appears in Esther 8:3.

black letters on light blue)
Underneath "Haman," the Hebrew word "ten" (ayin-shin-resh-hey) appears at an ELS of 1 in Esther 8:12.

(white letters on maroon)
Underneath "ten," at an ELS of 20, the Hebrew word "sons" (beth-nun-yod) appears. It begins in Esther 8:15 and ends in Esther 8:16.

The information in the surface text, as well as that encoded underneath the apparent text, is incredible! Only God, in His infinite power, could have inspired these things to be recorded in the book of Esther and then cause them to come to pass more than 2 millennia later. Yet He tells us that He can do this in His word.


ISAIAH 46:9 . . . For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, 10 declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure" (NKJV)


Bryan T. Huie
July 10, 2000
Revised: May 7, 2009

Part Three: The Cosmic Struggle

by Judy Gassett


But there is even more on ten who were hung.
In the last of Deuteronomy and beginning of Leviticus. The Bible discusses judging horrendous sins, the consequences that follow after making them known, (e.g. a trial, and justified punishment which must follow) . Therein encoded  is the story of  the ten who where hung for horrifying crimes. The Bible Codes say "Nazis", "Nuremberg",  and "1946") . This time miscreants' names are not listed as if the Bible is expounding on a fundamental divine law that shall apply to all  mankind  
This link explains why this cannot be "coincidental"


God watches over His people. Luther was wrong, His Hand is evident.  Today, Persia is known as Iran ruled by a small, maniacal, boaster of evil. His perpetual malediction of Israel and the Jews makes him most despised and feared man in the world. Even Wikileaks revealed that the King of Arabia asked the U.S. to rid the world of the "snake".  

 I am speaking of  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  a modern Haman, (and very likely related to him).  It is a classic case of supernatural hatred spawned in the womb of Rebekka, wife of Isaac, and passed down through the blood line of Esau (Edom) to descendants this very day.

To fully understand the cosmic drama taking place, one must begin with the birth of Esau and Jacob struggling  against one another even as immature spiritual beings in their Mother's womb. We are given little information as  why to God "hated Esau",  (Romans 9:13), or permitted his descendants to continually wage war against the Chosen People.

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  recently questioned whether the Holocaust was ‘a real event’ and called it a pretext  by Jews to trick the West into backing the creation of Israel. He said the Jewish state was created out of ‘a lie and a mythical claim.’ He repeatedly calls for  Israel’s destruction, boasting she will be wiped from the Earth and the "Zionist regime will not last long".

If you understand the cosmic drama which saved the Jews in ancient Persia, then you should have no doubt that God will forever protect the Jewish state. Ahmadinejad is a fool of fools and the ultimate looser, a disaster to himself and his nation waiting to happen. The Lord God must have been thinking of him when He said in Psalms 37,  that "He laughs at scoffers and evil doers for He knows their day is nigh."

This foolish man has a part to play: He may give glory to God in spite of himself. Ezekiel 38 tells us that Persia will be a GREAT ally of Gog in the final confrontation of Armageddon. As usual, and as in the past,  the incredible ingenuity of fools will prevail as mass  confusion descends and dissolves the enemies encampment.  We are told that a stunning reversal await those who choose to destroy Israel as they will end up killing each other, after which their memory will be erased forever...

Let's take a look at the results of battles with sons of Esau and others who tried cursing Israel (are you reading thisMahmoud Ahmadinejad? )  It is delicious to think of how Ahmadinejad's pride and hatred will destroy him in front of the whole world just as Haman's pride destroyed him, and Goliath's mighty  pride destroyed him and his entire Philistine (Phoenician) army.  Goliath foolishly cursed his puny enemy , "Come here and I will feed you to the dogs!"). But David said,  "Today I will take thy head from thee and thou shall know that there is a God in Israel"!  Notice the use of a simple sling and the stunning reversal of fortune which followed it. Today Goliath is remembered metaphorically as an large obstacle which can be overcome


Incident  #1

After crossing the  Gulf of Aqaba (NOT the RED SEA!) the Amalekites attacked and tried to rob Israel. Joshua was appointed to command the first battle as a nation after Egypt.  The Israelites prevailed when Moses prayed and held his staff above his head. As long as he held up the rod over his head the Israelites were successful; the moment he lowered it, Israelites gave way. When Moses grew weary, Aaron and Hur stood on either side of him and held up his arms. Thus, he was able to keep his arms extended until sunset and the Amalekites were defeated. This supernaturally means to achieve victory reminds that prayer is required for victory.


Incident #2

The second recorded encounter was the Story about Balaam, a renowned mystic of the day, who was hired by another Edomite, (descendent of Esau), to curse Israel. He tried to curse Israel three times and each time his tongue produced a blessing, and finally he said, "He that blesseth thee shall also be blessed; he that curseth thee,  shall be cursed."   These were dangerous words because they repeated the original blessing Isaac gave to the Jacob and God Gave Abraham. His final words over Israel were one of the earliest Messianic prophecies:  "A star shall rise out of Jacob and a scepter shall spring up from Israel. Out of Jacob shall he come that shall rule".


Incident #3

 The third recorded encounter was Saul who was ordered to completely annihilate the Amalekites, even children and all their possessions.  Not only did Saul not do this but he kept "spoils" that the Lord ordered destroyed.  This resulted in his descendents and those of the Amalekite king, completing God's plan after Saul, himself, was killed by an Amalekite. The biblical account records that about 76,000 Amalekites were killed after Esther makes her request and is also careful to include the fact the no spoils were taken by any of the defending Jews, a sign that God planned this scene in Persia to compensate for Saul's failure to obey.


Incident #4

In this century was the Holocaust, the genocide of 6 million Jews. Hitler, and his father Satan, are infuriated that those plans, once thought so impossible as to be ridiculous  were completely reversed. We now have a thriving Jewish state of 6 million despite being surrounded by violent malevolent peoples who constantly scheme Israel's destruction. (Aquinas held that people in hell are allowed to see the joy of the elect)


Incident #5

The Gulf war. Saddam' s rockets (Scuds) rained down on Israel. Not a single Jewish life was lost. The prophecy of these rockets was found in the Bible Codes after the event.. Saddam tried to redirect the anger and revulsion over his ruthless invasion of a neighbor to the Jewish state. Now Iraq is a nascent  Islamic republic and Saddam and his sons have passed to their reward.


Incident #6

This brings us to the Final Conflict where a major evil player will likely be a son of Esau as well as a Roman prince. Ezekiel prophesied the Battle of Gog and Magog in  chapter 38, stating that Persia (Iran) will be the biggest ally of Gog in the future planned invasion of Israel. In the final case Ezekiel tells us that Israel will be spared because the invading army will turn upon itself killing themselves, a stunning reversal!

 If you took note of the above instances where this evil bloodline took on Israel, all were spectacular, ironic, even stunning  reversals and all ended up as complete failures. You could never dream this up. It has to be true!  The curses pronounced on Israel were reversed onto those giving the malediction.  God's blessing to Abraham, Isaac's blessing to Jacob and even Balaam's blessing now reverberates down through the corridors  of history: "He that blesseth thee shall also be blessed; he that curseth thee,  shall be cursed." 

Let us not forget that our fate rests with the Lord. It is He who defeats this cosmic foe and delights in doing it in simple but unusual ways, always  AFTER PRAYERS.  Esther, Mordechai and the Jewish community fasted and prayed for a week before they were delivered. Every time Israel rose up in their own power, they were clobbered; whenever they rose up in faith and the prayer Amalek was vanquished. This is a cosmic struggle and a battle that can NOT be won without prayer and complete dependence on Almighty God.

Further Reading  

Bible Codes http://bibleprobe.com/biblecode.htm


Bible Code Digest  http://www.biblecodedigest.com/

For hidden codes and intro to equidistant letter sequencing cryptography: www.khouse.org/1664/cmo23-31


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